Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Few home truths sixteen weeks on...

Ok so after yesterdays discombobulated post about naming, I am back to tell you a few weird facts about being 16 weeks pregnant.

The first thing is despite assurances from all the books and websites that the situation should have normalised, I continue to need to go to the loo a great deal. This isn’t drink a litre of water and pee once an hour kind of territory, its more look at some water and run to the loo terrain. I am constantly in the lavatory; I really think the people in my office are starting to suspect that I have some sort of bladder control problem. Don’t get me wrong, as a person who was attempting to drink 3 litres of water a day during the summer I am familiar with the frequent need to relieve myself. However, at the moment I can only manage about a litre a day and even that wreaks havoc on my day. Careful planning of all long journeys is required; I make sure I go to the loo before I leave work, get off to go to the loo at the stop before mine (my stop doesn’t have a toilet!) and go when I get home, despite the fact that I try to stop drinking beverages of any sort an hour and a half before I leave work. If I am careless with my liquid consumption at night, I am punished with a night time (desperate) need to visit the lavatory. This is not ideal as I am still suffering from inexplicably debilitating fatigue. No one said it was going to be this bad - I can barely stay awake most days!

Regarding the fatigue, the good news is I have not been passing out at 8:30pm lately. The bad news is that this can be attributed to the fact that I have been on holiday and thus napping for an hour or so everyday at about 3:30pm. This has had the wonderful effect of increasing the duration of my daily waking hours by about 45 minutes. However, I am ashamed to say that last week I fell asleep at 7:30pm one night (despite the nap) and woke up at 8am the next day. And I still needed to nap in the afternoon! To be honest if I could spend all day in bed only waking to eat, drink and go to the loo that would be ideal for me right now – living life is just too hard!

On the food front, no cravings but still have an aversion to meat and fish (though I was able to eat "village chicken" and Zambian Bream very happily). This is not great as I need to eat protein and I am attempting to eat some sort of oily fish so that the child can terrorise Doright and I with it’s curiosity as much as I harassed my parents with my experiments. Actually given that my mother managed to give birth to me (and my equally frightening sisters) in Zambia, the land of the fresh water fish, LD might not need that much help! I’ll stop stressing about that and just hope I can handle the child’s shenanigans; hopefully it won’t attempt to heat its slippers on an open fire like I did.

Meanwhile for those who want to know what this feels like, try drinking a litre and a half of water and holding your pee in. Oh and wear a bum bag while doing that. I feel like I am carrying a small but heavey bean bag inside me, about an inch and a half below my navel whilst wearing one of those inflatable round things you put on children in swimming pools. Nice!? Oh and my stomach aches from the expansion...very pleasant and oh so much fun!

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