Saturday 10 October 2009

Rather angry..

Woke up with a headache having spent most of the night worrying about the baby. I have spent most of the day researching Down’s syndrome screening and I have confirmed that most black babies don’t have a nasal bone at this stage of development and that there is a disparity between the “normal” hormone levels and those of black women.

In between trying to nap, undoing my hair and being really angry, I manage to sort out my first midwife appointment – she is supposed to come to my home at 3pm on Sunday (I am slightly impressed that she is coming to my house on a Sunday). They are wondering why I haven’t been booked yet – I really don’t care as long as we sort it out soon.

I phone my mother in law because I need to speak to someone – I don’t want to worry her so I don’t tell her that her grandchild has been classed as high risk for Downs. I do tell her that the staff were horrible and that I think Vee should give up her job as a nurse. Yes, I am in a rage.

After much thought I realise that the eagerness to do the CVS may be linked to research and may also have something to do with the fact that Doright and I are a black couple. It’s a numbers game, the reason that there are so many false positives given to black babies is there isn’t enough data in the database about them – only 2% of people in the UK are from minority groups so any data from a willing party is like gold dust.

I call the Antenatal Rights and Choices and find out that I didn’t actually have to have the screening. So now I am a little angrier. I try to nap because I am worried al this anger may affect LD.

I guess the best thing to do is wait to and see what the midwife says.

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