Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Breasts and other demons

I keep forgetting to tell you the dodgy skin symptom I had during the third month of my pregnancy. I had huge, horrible, itchy pimples on my face, back and chest! There were 5 of them - 3 on the right side of my upper chest, one on my chin and one on my back. Doright claims they were a figment of my imagination but I have the scars to show for it. I was very very traumatised by them and now I am horrified by the scars…

Meanwhile I have a wart on my foot. I have had it for months, about nine to be precise ,but wasn’t inclined to do anything about it till it started to hurt. Unfortunately this coincided with me finding out I am pregnant so I was too frightened of harming the baby to use normal over the counter drugs. I still have done nothing about it but I have found a homeopathic remedy for warts and verrucas. Apparently they fall off if you soak them in vinegar for 20 minutes every day (probably best to do this at night as it is said to hurt like hell) for five days. I am going to try it out starting tonight and I will let you know how I get on…

In other news, I look like a fat glamour model. I saw a picture of me taken on holiday and I look like I have had my breasts enlarged. I am not showing so though I don’t look like I haven’t had a meal since birth (I look more like I need to pass the serving dishes on sometimes) I look as though I might be ripping my top off to pose for page 3. I keep forgetting to mention that my breasts have grown from an interesting but manageable 30E (yes E get over it, I have a small back!) to a 32FF (close your mouth!) – though I think there maybe a need to revaluate this as my (new and very expensive) maternity bras have started to dig into my ribs- might try 34E and see how I go…Cannot tell Doright I am buying new ones as he almost had a heart attack when he saw how much I was spending on two bras!

As well as this, I have to sort out my underwear situation. I think I may need to buy some of those ones you wear with low-slung jeans as I don’t feel comfortable with stuff on my tummy -looking at options that don’t make my husband start sleeping in the living room (like those horrible maternity trousers I have seen around – why do people buy those things? You are pregnant, not blind!)…. While on this topic my pyjamas have fallen apart! So I will need to get something that is comfy but not scarily huge or just plain strange.

I have decided to write to the Foetal medicine and untrasound unit head as I appear to be very busy and unable to meet him (doing what I couldn’t tell you) and I will be back there soon. So should be drafting that tomorrow. Will post the letter here, for your information.

And now I am off to the loo again ☺

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