Monday 12 October 2009

Results day

I am getting slightly bored with my doctors surgery – I can not get a late appointment in the next week or so – I am going away next week and wanted to book an appointment to get anti malarials (stupid given it is hot season right now but better safe than sorry). I will have to see the doctor when I get to Zed.

CVS results were phoned in today. I was on the phone to my cousin when my mobile rang. Wasn’t expecting them to phone so late in the day and it really is by chance that my phone was on and in the living room as it badly needed charging (which normally takes place in the bedroom.) Gave the phone to hubby who answered with “Mwelwa’s phone. This is her secretary on the line” then went all serious and demanded that I get off the phone.

It was the evil Vee (the one who spoke over us when we tried to explain how traumatic the experience was). She was in full charm mode. I played along because I wanted to know if my baby was ok.

The conversation wasn’t that long and LD is fine – no chromosomal abnormalities at all. So the stress of Thursday was really unnecessary. But hey, I am not mad…just relieved the baby is ok albeit with sleeping habits like it’s mother!

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